Even if you think you believe, you co-create. From the shape with its curves and thicknesses, to the materials with their textures and colors, going through the most varied themes with which you decorate them, they all pre-existed, even if one ignores it. One is limited to evolving from what others started a long time ago, the best of the times by innovating in some aspect. And in this sense, selection is not guaranteed: originality does not imply success, which in this sense is measured by permanence through replication. The ephemeral fashions, then, would not be more than a very particular type of evolutionary failure or, in the best of cases, one more link, called to give way to third parties. In any case, surely the novelty arises from the mix. Because if innovation is the daughter of imagination and this is nourished by existing information, what is new can only be the product of a mixture: an alloy of ideas and things that others forged before.
At the same time, none of this happens in a vacuum, but in a context where we are immensely accompanied. No bowl is free from the experiences that marked the maker, which are populated by loved ones and loved ones. And the ideas that will end up influencing the potter's new objects are the result of situations in which his company inspired him. For this reason, we co-create and for this reason the creator must value his environment at the same time that the framework that surrounds him also knows that he is the author.