Activity in La Colmena de Mérida
This past Friday, June 17, we have been lucky enough to carry out an activity in La Colmena , a space for respectful breeding in nature that is located in Mérida. The workshop consisted of bringing pottery to children between one and four years of age for the first time in their lives. And it was magical.
Fig. 1. All working at the same height.
The potter was surrounded by children wanting to stain their hands and participate in the process. They helped with everything: they cut the clay, accompanied the craftsman while he kneaded, attended during the explanation adapted to their age and then one by one they dared to put their little hands in the pella —and they were able to remove their own pieces! Also, but not least, they offered to clean. That was their initiative and we have to admit that it was a very pleasant surprise: it says a lot about them and the center.
Fig. 2. The privilege of seeing them enjoy your job.
Their participation helped to put us at their height, on the ground, so that they could see and intervene as they pleased. We have not worked like this many times, except when we didn't even have a table, but now we can affirm that it is very interesting to apply this method with the little ones, for whom height could be a barrier on other occasions.

Fig. 3. We all participate, it is not necessary to know how to speak.
Although the workshop was brief, occupying half a morning, it really leaves an imprint on the heart. The important thing was not the pieces that they could take out —as it almost never is—, but with these ages it becomes even more evident. Although it was noticeable that some had certain gifts that at some point in their life will flourish. For Terralfar, in any case, it has been an honor to accompany them on their first time and we hope they have left a beautiful memory, which they will surely revive when we deliver their already fired pieces, hoping that this way they will begin to internalize the ceramic process.
Figures 1-3. Courtesy of La Colmena Nursery School.